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Technologia teraz i w przyszłości
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Mówcy / Eksperci

Steve Brown

Język wystąpień:



  • How computing will change the world. Again.
  • The future of media
  • The future of transportation
  • Making money in the era of Smart Objects

Steve Brown is an accomplished keynote speaker, writer, strategist, and executive coach. In his prior position as Futurist at Intel Corporation, Steve helped Fortune 500 companies understand the impact computing will have in the coming decade and the opportunity that will present them.

Steve is regularly sought by the media to provide insight and analysis on “what’s next” and has been featured on BBC, CNN, Bloomberg TV, ABC Slider, Wired, WSJ:Digits, CBS, and many more media outlets.

As CEO of Possibility and Purpose, LLC, Steve now combines his understanding of technology, business, ecosystem, demographic, and human trends to help companies understand the possibilities of the future. Using straightforward language, compelling visuals, and memorable stories, Brown decodes the future for his audiences and helps them understand how computing will provide them with incredible opportunity for innovation, differentiation, and value creation. Steve regularly consults with a wide spectrum of companies and organizations spanning the transportation, retail, healthcare, media and entertainment sectors.
Steve has over 25 years of experience in the high tech sector spanning research, engineering, marketing, manufacturing, management, and communications. He holds both bachelors and masters degrees in Micro-electronic Systems Engineering from Manchester University.
Brown was born in the U.K. and became a U.S. citizen in 2008. He lives with his fiancée in Portland, Oregon.

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